3 essential History of Art books

A close-up of my bookshelf

A close-up of my bookshelf

In my daily artistic practice in love to consult many references. For a period of my life I dedicated myself to study Art History and Theory, which I really love, and I completely neglected practicing drawing or painting. There's no particular reason for that and I was really busy on writing my final paper for getting my BFA degree at University. Later on, my knowledge led me to open an art gallery entre-tanto. If you ask me what what do I think about getting a degree in an Art School, I would answer you with this question: Do you have time for that? If you do, go for it. I particularly love the academic atmosphere (but this is me). But if you don't, it doesn't mean that you can't be an artist! My only advice is go, grab a book and start to build a stronger knowledge basis in History of Art (and Art History too). These are my recommended books:

There are many other sources that I check regularly, like magazines and websites. There are few other books that I find very important but the language can be very academic or difficult to read if you're a beginner. But, if you want to share your preferences or suggest me a book, feel free to drop me a line. :)


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