entre-tanto: a mix of concept store, art gallery and multimedia studio in Rio

entre-tanto, that means in english meanwhile, was one of the best experiences I ever had in my life, professional and personal. When I lived in Rio, in 2007, me and my best friend and great artist Cila MacDowell opened an art gallery/concept store/multimedia studio in Copacabana.

Our mission was to expose and develop new Brazilian artists and to explore the limits of what's called the "grey area", the intersections between art, design, fashion and video. In the first floor we had our gallery and show room. We could mix furniture with fashion with photography and jewellery, a real playground.

In the second floor we worked in our studio. Cila is an amazing video artist, she collaborated with famous scenographers in multimedia opera concerts, now she's a PhD and a teacher at the Art Department at the University in Rio (UFRJ). I could offer my services as a graphic designer. We both worked together as the curators of our space and we loved to write together.

entre-tanto last 3 amazing years and we did from fashion events to performances, from product development to contemporary art exhibitions. Today I'm very proud to share this experience as an homage to the people who believed and enjoyed this adventure with us.

I'll be forever grateful. Great times!

entre-tanto in copacabana, rio de janeiro

The things that changed my creative life